Cities for Palestine

Bring the struggle for freedom, justice, and equality to your city.


Palestinian rights are human rights.


Start a Campaign in Your City

Make Palestine part of the local progressive agenda in your city or municipality. Read More →


Find a City

Find a municipal campaign to plug into near you, and see what's come before. Read More →


Harnessing people power to effect change.

Be part of a community that will invest in freedom while divesting from injustice. Support Palestinian rights in your city or municipality!



Empowering your community.

Palestinian rights are human rights. As people in the US concerned with human rights, and as part of a global movement in solidarity with the Palestinian people, we have a duty. That duty is to actively work for freedom, justice, and equality in order to counter the harm US policies, including the use of our tax dollars, cause to Palestinians.

Through municipal campaigns, people supportive of Palestinian rights can make Palestine part of the local progressive agenda.

We put together a toolkit that will take you through the process of putting together and sustaining a successful municipal campaign. Check it out.

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