Affirm support for palestinian refugees

Stand with Refugees



Palestinian refugees are the longest-standing and second-largest refugee population in the world. US military, diplomatic, and economic support for Israel enables its continued denial of  Palestinian refugees’ right of return to their homes and lands as stipulated by international law. Meanwhile, the US continues to shut its borders to refugees, many of whom are fleeing US-backed wars.


  1. Pass a resolution that reaffirms the right of return for Palestinian refugees as part of your community’s commitment to resolving the global refugee crisis.

  2. Work with councilmembers to host a World Refugee Day (June 20) event or put out a World Refugee Day statement that names Palestinian cities from which Palestinian- Americans in your town have been displaced, alongside other refugee communities.

  3. Pass expanded sanctuary legislation that includes the city’s official statement of support for refugees, including Palestinian refugees, to not only be welcome in our community but also to claim their right to return home.

Success Stories

With the growing global refugee crisis over the last few years and the push by both the administration of Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers even before his election to ban refugees, cities and towns across the United States have taken public positions in support of refugees. This has included city councils passing resolutions proclaiming they welcome refugees in Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Palo Alto, Philadelphia, Seattle, and many more cities. This continues a tradition of local support for refugees and immigrants in the face of a crackdown from the federal government, such as more than 500 cities, countries, and states nationwide designating themselves as sanctuaries and limiting the use of local resources to assist federal immigration enforcement.


In California this year, Alameda County Offices Board of Supervisors recognized May 15, 2018, the 70th year of the Nakba, as Palestine Cultural Day.  This is another example of how local officials can mark their support for Palestinian rights.

Life in a Palestinian Refugee Camp | Direct From with Dena Takruri for AJ+
