East Coast

New Castle County, DE | Jan 2016
defeated an anti-BDS bill.
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Baltimore, MD | Dec 2014
rejected Veolia following a coalition-organized campaign.

Boston, MA | Jan 2014
denied a new contract to Veolia.
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Boulder, CO | May 2017
Boulder became a sister city to Nablus in Palestine. Learn more >>

Denver, CO | July 2016
did not renew municipal contract with G4S. Learn more >>

St. Louis, MO | Oct 2013
Veolia was forced to withdraw bid for city contract. Learn more >>

Muscatine, IO | July 2011
Muscatine became a sister city to Ramallah in Palestine.
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The South

Durham, NC | April 2018
ended police exchanges with Israel.
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New Orleans, LA | Jan 2018
passed a universal human rights screen (later rescinded). Learn more >> 

Durham, NC | Nov 2014
severed ties with G4S.
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West Coast

Alameda County, CA | May 2018
declared May 15 Palestine Cultural Day. Learn more >>

Alameda County, CA | Mar 2018
ended Urban Shield.
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Sacramento, CA | June 2017
dropped G4S over complicity in human rights violations. Learn more >>

Portland, OR | Apr 2017
voted to end investments in all corporate securities. Learn more >>

Sacramento, CA | 2017
Sacramento became a sister city to Bethlehem in Palestine. Learn more >>

Berkeley, CA | July 2016
divested from private prison firms, including G4S. Learn more >>

Yolo County, CA | Jan 2013
Veolia was forced to withdraw as prospective bidder on city contract . Learn more >>

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